Производство оцилиндрованнго бревна от 180 до 320 мм. Строительство домов из бревна и бруса. Гарантия 15 лет

Московская область, Чеховский р-н, КП Соколиная гора, д. 414

+7 (985) 857-25-78 +7 (929) 962-56-41

Email: zakazizbaizbrevna@yandex.ru

Телефон +7 (985) 857-25-78
Ежедневно с 9:00 до 18:00,  без обеда и выходных
IZBA IZ BREVNA Project Construction Finishing

We offer our clients latest technological and design solutions of all levels of complexity. We deliver our projects strictly according to clearly stated deadlines.

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Log House Projects

This is a standard catalog of our house projects. On each project page, you would find a 3D image, views and floor plans of the project, as well as prices for our log cabins (the first finishing stage) depending on the log diameter (180-320mm). All prices are stated in rubles. Production location: Kirov, Russia.


Log Bathhouse Projects

This is a standard catalog of our Bathhouse projects. On each project page, you would find a 3D image, views and floor plans of the project, as well as prices for our log cabins (the first finishing stage) depending on the log diameter (180-320mm). All prices are stated in rubles. Production location: Kirov, Russia.


Small architectural forms

This is a standard catalog of our Gazebo projects. Prices are indicated for log cabins (the first finishing stage) in different log diameters (180, 200mm). All prices are stated in rubles. Production location: Kirov, Russia.


Lumber (timber, round log)

Prices for board and round log in different diameters (from 180 to 320mm). Pine, spruce, cedar, larch. All prices are stated in rubles. Production location: Kirov, Russia.
